Squamish Elementary Communicator » June 2024

June 2024

Dear ESQE Families, 
Another great year complete at Ecole Squamish Elementary!
To our incredible students, you have worked hard, shown resilience, and demonstrated kindness and respect throughout the year. You make our school a vibrant and enjoyable place to be!
To our families and PAC committee, thank you for all of your support. Your involvement and encouragement have been important in the success of our school community. We appreciate all the ways you contribute to making our school a wonderful place for learning and growth. 
To our exceptional teachers and educational assistants, your passion, dedication, and expertise don't go unnoticed. Thank you for going above and beyond every day to make a positive impact on the lives of our students. Also a big high-five to the one and only Ms. Dalzell and our new clerical assistant, Ms. Ward! We appreciate everything you do!
As we look ahead to a well-deserved summer break, I encourage everyone to take time to relax, recharge, and enjoy time with family and friends. Keep reading, exploring, and learning in all the fun ways that summer allows. 
We look forward to welcoming you back in September with renewed energy and enthusiasm, for another fantastic school year. Until then, have a safe and adventurous summer. 
Please read on for important information on ordering school supplies, dates, and other helpful tidbits. 

Sarah Hain

ESQE Principal
PS. Thank you for the kind words and gifts!
Important Dates
  • June 27th Summary of learning will be live to families by end of day today
  • June 28th - Sept 2nd School Closed for the summer for students 
  • Sept 3rd First day back 8:53 - 9:53 
  • Sept 4th First Full day back  
  • Sept 10th PAC Meeting 6:30 ESQE Library
  • Sept13th Welcome Back BBQ (afterschool) - Volunteers needed
  • Sept 20th Soup Day - Volunteers needed! 
School Supplies
New this year to ESQE! Please Purchase your school supplies in advance from the The Teacher's File.
Orders will be delivered to the school in early September with your child's name on them, and will be delivered directly to their new class. 

We are encouraging families to order NOW so it is one thing off your plates for the fall. Ordering will be open through the summer and will be CLOSED on Friday, September 6th. 
While it is fresh in your mind, order now!
How to order: 
  1. Click HERE to see the grade options
  2. Click on your child's NEXT YER GRADE online form
  3. The MUST HAVE list is $45 (the first list you see). Fill our the required information at the bottom (include FIRST/LAST name - this is VERY important). You will also be asked to include your child's teacher from THIS school year. 
  4. Below the 'must have' list are optional items suggested by the teachers that will be helpful. There are also items you may already have so you do not need to purchase these again. If you would like to add the optional items, add items by entering in the quantity on the list. 
  5. See options to continue ordering for more than one child
  6. You can review your cart and add more. 
*Please make sure you are ordering for NEXT Year's grade
Not interested in ordering online? Although we recommend ordering on Teacher's File, as an alternative, you can print a form and use the list to buy your own supplies at a store of your choice. It is important to use the lists provided to purchase the brand and all the items on the list to ensure students have what they need for their specific grade.
To print, follow the link to teacher file and click 'print a form' to access the printable list.
Can't remember if you placed an order? Visit the online checker on Teacher file at http://packs.teachersfile.ca/ 
Summer Learning
Want some tips and tricks for keeping your child learning over the summer?

1. Read! With with your child, create a reading challenge, visit our local library!
2. Learn how to play a new board game or card game together
3. Get your kids involved in meal prep! Have them help with planning, shopping, and even cooking! 
4. Get kids building! Forts, building with Lego, playing with playdoh, or building obstacle courses outside, hands-on experiences are key!
5. Engage in community events!
6. Get outside! There is so much to explore in nature, right here in our backyards! 
Celebrating SQE
National Indigenous Peoples Day. All of our students had the opportunity to learn and practice their drumming, be taught Metis dot art, weaving, or even making bannock!ok
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Mme. Hryhirchuks grade 4/5 class put on a production called "The Fairy Tale Network" for the school this month! They worked hard memorizing lines and even built the set themselves!
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Mme. Lazar's grade 1/2 class worked hard this term to write and produce a play with the support of volunteer Margerie. The play was full of magic and recognition that we are responsible for keeping our environment clean and healthy. 
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Rawr!! The Dinosaurs are back! Mrs. Lapointes K/1 class brought the dinosaurs back to life in their Dinosaur museum
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Egg drop time! Our grade 5/6s created 'egg safe' parachutes! 
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Ms. West's class has been learning about financial literacy. Their big buddies taught kids how to make wallets and then worked on making a store and using this as a place of play, buying and selling items!
Our grade 6's went exploring at Evans Lake! 3 Days full of nature, laughter, and memories!
What amazing weather we had for sports day! It was awesome to see students working together and team spirit at its highest!
Mrs. McQueen's K/1 class went on adventure to the Squamish Library.
Congratulations to our Grade 6 Class!
Check out the article in the Squamish Chief!
PAC - Parent Advisory Council
We are so fortunate to have such a dedicated PAC, and it has been lovely seeing more and more parents come out to volunteer or lead up different events this year. From the artisan market, soup days, and fundraisers, the PAC continues to make a difference for our school and community. 

If the PAC wants to continue providing exciting things such as these events, we do need more people! The more people the, the more power! We hold PAC meetings each month, snacks provided! If a monthly meeting commitment feels like too much, no worries! We are always looking for volunteers to support individual initiatives/events. 

If you are open to getting involved in our PAC next year, whether that be taking on a position on our exec team, organizing an event, or volunteering for individual ones please connect with our PAC at [email protected]
PAC September Dates
  • Sept 10th PAC Meeting 6:30 ESQE Library
  • Sept 13th Welcome Back BBQ (afterschool) - Volunteers needed!
  • Sept 20th Soup Day - Volunteers needed!  
Happy June, July, & August Birthdays!
This month we celebrated Mme. Goldman's class birthdays with a pizza lunch!kkk