October 2022
Hello ESQE Families!
What an action packed month, our cross country team has been racing, we hosted our parent/student conferences, did a student vote for the 2022 election, and our grade 6s hosted "Scare Hunger" in support of our local food bank!
What an action packed month, our cross country team has been racing, we hosted our parent/student conferences, did a student vote for the 2022 election, and our grade 6s hosted "Scare Hunger" in support of our local food bank!
We appreciate you keeping up on our weekly emails and updates as we share important information and up-coming events. Please continue to reach out for any clarification from your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
I want to give a big shout out to our PAC for the amazing Teacher Appreciation set up they left for the teachers, such yummy treats! They have also been busy planning amazing events and fundraisers for our school!
I want to give a big shout out to our PAC for the amazing Teacher Appreciation set up they left for the teachers, such yummy treats! They have also been busy planning amazing events and fundraisers for our school!
Please review the Halloween safety and expectations for next week below.
Sarah Hain
ESQE Principal
Sarah Hain
ESQE Principal
Halloween Information for ESQE
On October 31st children are invited to wear their Halloween costumes at school. Please connect with your classroom teacher on specific activities for the day.
Notes for the whole school on successful Halloween fun!
- With respect to Halloween costumes, we ask that all accessories such as swords, wants, or brooms remain at home. Anything that resembles a weapon should stay at home.
If a full facemask is part of a costume, please have a conversation with your child on when it is appropriate to wear the mask. (i.e. when it does not interfere with learning activities, in hallways when not part of a Halloween activity so that the child is recognizable, throughout the school)
- Please be respectful of the age range at our school when it comes to scary costumes, we want it to be fun for everyone!
- Leave baked goods at home for your family to enjoy! Students will be receiving loads of treats that evening if they participate in Halloween.
- Consider costumes that are going to be comfortable for a day at school and pack other clothes to change into, should the costume become uncomfortable or too hot to wear.
- We go outside rain or shine, so make sure your child has appropriate gear for outdoor activities.
Important Note: We believe that student conduct shall met the needs of individuals in a way that works for them, for the school, and promotes a climate of respect as defined by the B.C. Human Rights Code. Therefore, costumes must not display any statement, sigh, symbol, emblem or other representation that shows intolerance, indicates discrimination, or an intention to discriminate on the basis of an individuals or a groups race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, family status, sec, or sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, gender identity or expression, dress, or other perceived differences.
Please see link below for safety tips for Halloween:
Halloween safety - Canada.ca Ensure that your children are dressed appropriately for Halloween. Costumes with flowing skirts, capes or baggy sleeves, costumes that are over-sized, and costume accessories such as beards, wigs, wings and tails, can all be hazardous around candles or other ignition sources.www.canada.ca |
Finally, one reminder from WildSafe BC, please bring cared pumpkins indoors at night and minimize the number of house that these animals attractants are available as snacks for our furry neighbors.
For those of you who participate in Halloween, thank you in advance for your cooperation!
- Please send your child to school with appropriate clothing and shoes for the weather.
- Please do not idle in the round about, please park in the school parking lot during morning drop off and afternoon pick up.
- If you're sick, please stay home. Please call or email the school to inform them of this absence.
Important Upcoming Dates
- Friday Nov. 11th Remembrance Day - Stat Holiday, school closed
- Monday Nov. 14th SD48 Implementation Day - School Closed

Bus Update
Just a reminder to all students that have registered to take our buses before and/or after school, that you need to bring your BUS PASS. If you have not yet picked up your bus pass, please visit Ms. Velasco at the office.
Student Vote
For the last month, the grade 5/6's at SQE have been busy
learning about the Municipal Election and the candidates platforms. One of the candidates, Mike Young made a visit to our library to meet the students and answer their questions. On October 12th, the leadership students led a Student Vote for the entire school. Good job grade 5 and 6's!

Class Highlights!
Students from Mme. Paquette's class have been learning about descriptive paragraphs of characters. They will be creating a class book. The students are busy creating their characters out of plasticine!

October Professional Development Day
Wow, what an amazing day of learning for our teachers. This month our teachers explored a variety of topics, including training on the Heggerty Program to support literacy interventions, the Connecting Leaders Conference exploring the power of stories and Decolonization in education. We also had our amazing EA team learning about assistive technology.
Parent Advisory Council - PAC
Sea To Sky Artisan Market
The Sea To Sky Artisan Market is going to be at our school on Saturday, November 12 from 10am to 4pm. Come shop all locally made items in the Sea to Sky region. If your child is in Grade 4, 5, or 6 and wants to participate, please email [email protected] for more info. We are excited to welcome student vendors and offer this entrepreneurial opportunity for them!

Popcorn Day IS returning! Our first day will be Monday, November 7. Please send $1 with your child.
Hot Lunches
Hot Lunches are returning also! Our first day is Friday, November 18. Orders will be due Friday, November 4.
Elf Workshop

Our Elf Workshop Day will be Monday, December 5. Donations are being accepted at the front foyer in the marked bin. New or very gently used items only, please! We also need a lot of tape, gift bags, tissue and wrapping paper if you have any.
Happy Hippo Bath Goodies
We are running a Happy Hippo Bath fundraiser from now until the end of December. Happy Hippo products are handmade by 8 parents who use natural products like colourful bath bombs. Please visit www.hippofundraiser.com and at checkout select "Squamish". All orders will be delivered to the school the first week of December. To ensure timely delivery, please order by Wednesday, November 30.
Purdy's Chocolates
Purdy's Chocolates fundraiser will be back in November. More information to come!
Happy October Birthdays to all of you who celebrate this month!!