June 2023
Dear ESQE,
Students, families & staff, I can hardly believe we are at the end of my first year as principal of ESQE! I would like to first share my gratitude for all of our families, student and staff that contributed to making this school feel so welcoming. I am honoured to be part of this community. This year I saw first-hand how well our staff come together to provide thoughtful and authentic learning experiences for our students. I saw families step out and support initiative such as the outdoor classroom space, our first-ever carnival, and so much more! I also saw so many of our students step up as leaders and greet each day with new optimism kindness. Together, everyone has contributed to an inclusive and caring environment. Thank you!
This year, our staff created a new school learning plan with collaboration and Language Arts (reading, writing, oral) at the forefront. The celebration of Learning was a beautiful example of the work staff and students are doing to support their deeper learning within these areas. From our Café of writing in the gym, to the wonderful in-class sharing and displays throughout the school, this highlights the care and passion not only our students have to share their work with their families, but the true dedication our staff have towards our students.
A special note from our grade 6 students, congrats on completing your elementary school years! We wish you a smooth transition into the middle years and can't wait to hear of all your successes in the future.
I wish everyone a well deserved, adventure-filled, and meaningful summer. I wish nothing by the best for everyone as we leave behind the 2022-2023 school year, and embark on a new school year in the fall. I can't wait to see what new learning and opportunities the future holds for ESQE students, staff, and families. Lastly, I will leave you with a quote to remember in whatever role you play in the ESQE community: "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" (Winston S. Churchill).
Sarah Hain (she, her,hers)
Principal of Ecole Squamish Elementary
PS. Thank you so much for all the lovely end of year gifts, hugs, and photos!
Celebrating SQE Learning!
Mr. Hackett's grader 3/4 class took on studying early European explorers who first arrived in Canada and why the came. They were particularly interested in how they interacted with indigenous peoples they met, and they were surprised by many of their actions. The full story of Jacques Cartier's voyages to Canada was particularly bizarre, and they chose to represent what they discovered in a video! They used stop motion, as well as green screens throughout their filming process. Below are some still shots of their video! Super cool!

Ms. McQueens k/1 class had a camping adventure of their own! Setting up tents in class, reading under the light of lanterns and head lamps, and doing some 'fire side' crafting.

Ms. Wests grade 1/2 class explored food through colour! How colour can you make your meals at home?

Our grade 5/6 students went on their own adventure to Evans Lake! They had a chance to canoe & paddle board, learn about archery and orienteering, they even rock climbed and did a low ropes course!

Grade 6 Celebration
As per ESQE tradition, we celebrated our grade 6 transition to middle school with a parade and a special pizza lunch! We are so proud of our grade 6's students; their energy, creativity, curiosity, and humor will be missed! Best of luck in your future adventures grade 6s!

National Indigenous Peoples Day
June 21st 2023 was National Indigenous Peoples Day. It is a day to reflect on the history and resilience of Indigenous People in Canada, and a time to explore and celebrate their rich culture. A team of our teachers put together a full day of learning; we began our day with a drumming welcome led by Jaime Williams, we had dot art taught to us by Ilsa Arnesen, students had an opportunity to learn about local indigenous plants from Ms. Fix & Ms. Keller, and had a chance to play games!

Sports Day!
There is no better way to end our last full week of school, than with an epic full school SPORTS DAY! Thank you so much to Mrs. Sorensen and Mrs. Parker for organizing such an eventful day! The weather was on our side, the students had a blast, the smiles and energy was endless!

Outdoor Classroom Blessing Ceremony
This spring we held a long over due Blessing Ceremony for our Outdoor Classroom. This special place is the product of our school and the community coming together towards a common goal. We thank you, and are so grateful for all the hard work, time, and effort put forward by our ESQE Parents and extended community members to create and bring this vision to fruition. It has been a very special place for us to learn and play.
Thank you so much to the members of our Squamish Nation for leading us through a traditional blessing ceremony. It has been an amazing learning opportunity for all of us, such a beautiful event for us to witness.

ESQE Learning Plan
This year, our ESQE staff revamped our school learning plan. The objective is to come together as a staff to observe the needs of our school and determine areas for full school targeted focus. Based on data and evidence collected we have decided to focus on literacy and collaboration. School learning plans are an ongoing process, with consistent reassessing of school needs, data collection, and collaboration amongst staff. For more information about our school learning goal, click here.

Bus Registration
We are delighted to announce that the school bus registration for the 2023-2034 school year is now open. It will close on July 21st. Eligible students registering for before the start of school we be allocated a seat and will receive their bus pass via mail at the mailing address provided on the registration form.
Students requesting Courtesy Ridership, and any eligible student who registers after the school of the school year, may not be allocated a seat or a pass until Oct 15th, 2023, when the ridership list is finalized.
To register your child for the school bus pass program for the 2023/24 school year, click HERE.
Please contact the Bus Depot at the school board office if you have any questions.

Important Upcoming Dates
- Sept 5th First Day Back! Only 1 hour at school
- Sept 6th First FULL day back
- Sept 29th Pro D Day - School Closed to students
To access the 2023-2024 School Calendar, click here!
School hours will be 8:55am - 3:03pm
School hours will be 8:55am - 3:03pm

School Supplies
- If you would like to order school supplies through the school, the cost is $45, paid through school cash online. This will open in September.
- You also have the option to pick up your own school supplies for the new school year.
PAC - Parent Advisory Council
Wow, our PAC is amazing! From monthly popcorn days and hot lunches, to the ESQE Artisan Market, Happy Hippo and Purdy's Sales, AND wrapping the year up with our first ESQE Spring Carnival. We cannot express enough gratitude and recognition for all the hard work that goes into planning these events.
If the PAC wants to continue providing exciting things such as these events, we do need more people! The more people the, the more power! We hold PAC meetings each month, snacks provided! If a monthly meeting commitment feels like too much, no worries! We are always looking for volunteers to support individual initiatives/events.
If you are open to getting involved in our PAC next year, whether that be taking on a position on our exec team, organizing an event, or volunteering for individual ones please connect with our PAC at [email protected]
PAC September Dates
- September 15th Welcome Back BBQ (afterschool)
- Sept 19th PAC meeting 6:30pm
PAC Spring Carnival 2023

Happy June, July, & August Birthdays!