May 2023
Happy Friday ESQE Families,
Well we can definitely feel the summer approaching with all this amazing weather we are having! But we still have some great learning ahead and a lot of fun! We hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the Spring weather. Please connect with your child's teacher on upcoming activities and field trips to keep up to date.
As we get closer to the end of this school year, please let us know if your family will be moving and won't be attending next school year, as this information helps us in planning for next year.
This months' newsletter is jammed packed, so please take the time to check it all out!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Sarah Hain
ESQE Principal

Celebrating SQE Learning!
This term Mme. Goldman's K/1 class invited parents to come in to teach them about their career or a passion/hobby of theirs for students to discover the diversity of roles in our community. They've learned about cooking, sustainable engineering, silly sound beat boxing, drawing, snowboard design, leadership, and the use of the phonetic alphabet for pilots. They also visited a few location in our community: Rose Park, Rennie and the Welcome Centre. They're still looking forward to a couple more presentations to learn about dragon boating, writing, emotions, and forestry! A huge MERCI to all the parents who contribute to this exciting month.

Mme. Eade's kindergarten and grade 1 students have been watching the garden grow over at SquamishCan Farm. They have planted, fertilized, pollinated and learned so much! The students even released their classroom butterflies into the flowers, after watching them grow.

Our grade 5 & 6 students in Mrs. Sorensen, Mr. Georgy-Embree, Mme. Paquette, and Mme. Hryhirchuk's classes took on Business day. It was a day full of excitement as the students had an opportunity to be young entrepreneurs. They demonstrated amazing creativity, hard work, and collaboration with a goal to raise money for their chosen charity. They were able to raise over $1000 to a number of different organizations including "Helping hands, Oceana, Under One Roof, and W.W.F". Way to go!
The immediate students would also like to send out a big thank you to the students who visited them at Business Week! Thank you for your support!
Students from Mr. Georgy-Embree, Ms. Sorensens, Mme. Hryhirchuks, and Mme. Paquette's class would like to showcase their learning to everyone on June 7th. Parents/Caregivers are welcome to come see student presentations during the afternoon between 1:10 and 2:40ppm.

Mme Hryhirchuks class also explored the community, taking her 5/6 class on a tour of the Foundry Youth Centre this month!

Ms. Keller's grade 3 class has been taking advantage of the beautiful landscape that surrounds us here in Squamish. As a class, they have been going for walks to different places to explore and learn together. They have then taken these experiences and put what they learned and observed into creating art.

They Mayor was in town! Mayor Hurford visited Ms. Lapointe's K/1 class. Giving them an opportunity to demonstrate their curiosity by asking questions!
Important Upcoming Date

Ms. Keller's grade 3 class has been taking advantage of the beautiful landscape that surrounds us here in Squamish. As a class, they have been going for walks to different places to explore and learn together. They have then taken these experiences and put what they learned and observed into creating art.

They Mayor was in town! Mayor Hurford visited Ms. Lapointe's K/1 class. Giving them an opportunity to demonstrate their curiosity by asking questions!

Important Upcoming Date
- May 30, 31 & June 1st Scholastic Book Fair! If you are interested, visit the library from 8:30 - 8:55 & 3:00 - 3:45 to take a peak. Books start as low as $3! There are books in both French and English, posters and fun school supplies!
- June 5th Popcorn Day, bring your dollar!
- June 8th Kindergarten Orientation Day!
- June 9th Hot lunch Money Due
- June 9th "Out in Schools" Presentation for grade 5 & 6
- June 12 - 14 Grade 5 & 6s at Evans Lake Camp
- June 20th Grade 6 Parade 2:30pm
- June 23rd Hot Lunch Day
- June 23rd Superhero Spirit Day
- June 29th Last day of school -Early dismissal @10:00 am

Parking Notice

We are also looking for volunteers still to help support a kind and safe parking lot flow before and after school. Please email [email protected] if you would like to volunteer. Thank you for working with us as we continue to find ways to make the flow of traffic run more smoothly.
Our Community

This Thursday, May 25th there was Raising Ceremony held at Xwa'w'chayay (Porteau Cove Provin
The "Welcome Figure" is a beautiful demonstration of collaboration and learning between our schools and the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation).
The piece was carved by two Squamish Nation carvers, Neil Baker and Delmar Joseph, with work also being done by students from our St'a7mes School To read the full story, and see a photo of the "Welcome Figure" click here

Homestay Families Needed! With over 200 students already excited to join the International Education Program for September 2023, we need are in the search for Homestay families. Contact Janet Smillie at [email protected] if you are interested!

Check out a Summer Camp option for this summer for children ages 5 to 12.
Family Smart - "In the Know" June Series!
There will be several session times throughout the month of June! This months series is "Beyond Behaviour: When is it More? What does it look like for ages 4-8". Register at

PAC - Parent Advisory Council
Upcoming Events:
Did you know...
Upcoming Events:
- June 5th Popcorn day $1 per bag
- June 9th Hot Lunch Money Due
- June 13th PAC Meeting @ 6:30 in the library!
- June 23rd Hot Lunch Day

Did you know that the Month of May was Asian Heritage Month. Its a time to reflect on the many contribution that people of Asian origin have made, and continue to make for Canada. The theme for the 2023 heritage month was "Stories of Determination", acknowledging the challenges overcome by Asian communities.
Happy May Birthdays!