May 2024
Happy Friday ESQE Families,
Well, just like that May is over and summer is fast approaching around the corner! But, there is still lots of learning and excitement ahead of us so don't forget to check out important dates below! A huge thank you to our PAC for hosting another amazing Spring Carnival, it was great to see so many families out enjoying the festivities!
As we get closer to the end of this school year, please let us know if your family will be moving and won't be attending next school year, as this information helps us in planning for next year.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Sarah Hain
ESQE Principal

Important Upcoming Dates
- June 6th New Kindergarten Orientation Day!
- June 7th Hot Lunch Orders Due
- June 7th Fire Drill
- June 10 - 12 Grade 6 Evans Lake Trip
- June 11 - 13th Book Fair
- June 11th PAC Meeting 6:30
- June 11th Neufeld Delivery @ 5:30pm at Squamish Elementary
- June 14th Sports Day
- June 17th Grade 6 parade
- June 21 National Indigenous Day
- June 21 Spirit Day, Orange shirt day
- June 27th Last Day of school! 9:55am Dismissal

- DO NOT park or leave your car unattended in the round about
- The round about is for emergency vehicles only, or for quick drop off. It is not for picking up after school.
- Please do not part in front of parked cars
- We have a busy parking lot during drop off and pick up.
- Please park in a parking spot during morning drop off and afternoon pick up.
- We encourage families to walk and/or bike to school as the parking lot is very busy.
- We are recommending that you use the overflow parking lot at the end of the parking lot for older children to be dropped off and picked up at where they can safely come and go from the field.
Yummy in the Tummy! Neufeld Gr.6 Camp Fundraiser!
- Orders are due Wednesday June 5th, 2024, end of day
- Delivery will be on Tuesday, June 11th at 5:30 pm at SQE (38370 Buckley Ave)
- Order at:

Upcoming Book Fair!

Celebrating SQE
Check out these students taking advantage of the 'art' option during long recess!

This month, Ms. Hain and Ms. Dalzell presented the "ESQE Learning Plan" to members of the senior management team, the PAC, & board of trustees. Our school goals focus on literacy and collaboration!

This month we had the local company Dance Directions come in and facilitate musical theatre workshops to all the classes! Singing and dancing is challenging! We were impressed with how fast the students picked up the moves as well as the words to the songs!

Mme. Hryhirchuk's class took a trip beneath the sea! Exploring all the ocean has to offer at the Vancouver Aquarium! They have also been learning how to play cribbage with Ms. Dalzell - a great way to practice math facts!

A huge congratulations to The Pink Fluffy Unicorns - a group of grade 6 students from Mme. Paquette's class who brought home the gold at this years Reading Link Challenge! This is a district wide reading competition where students work together to read a selection of books, often more that once, in order to answer specific trivia questions! Fun fact, this is the first time since 2018 that our school has won! Way to go!

Wow, what an effort by this years track team! Such dedication with weekly practices and meets! Thank you so much to Mme. Hryhirchuk, Ms. Crighton, Mrs. Strong, Mrs. Morris, and Mr. Dion for volunteering their time as coaches!

Wow, we have some young entrepreneurs in our midst! Kudoos to Mme. Paquette, Mrs. Sorensen, and Mr. Georgy Embree's grade 5 & 6 students for this years SQE Market!

PAC - Parent Advisory Council
Upcoming Dates:
- June 11th PAC Meeting at 6:30pm. SQE Library
- June 14th PAC hosting a hot dog lunch for Sports day!
- June 21st Last Hot lunch of the year!
WOW! What an amazing Spring Carnival this month! A huge thank you to the organizers and volunteers for making this years event a success! This is now the second year doing the Spring Carnival, and already it has become something that our school community looks forward to!

The PAC also worked hard to get us a Literacy Grant to "Spread the Word"! They took to the school grounds and wrote inspirational phrases on the sidewalks to inspire our community!

Community News 

Happy Birthday to all the May Birthdays!
This month Mme. Lazar and Mrs. Lupton's classes had their birthday pizza lunch!