December 2022
Happy Holidays ESQE Families!
We are wishing everyone a very safe, restful and fabulous winter break! Please enjoy this time with family and friends and we will see you in the New Year!
Sarah Hain
ESQE Principal
Important Upcoming Dates
- Dec 19th - Jan 2nd ESQE Closed for Winter Break
- Jan 3rd ESQE Re-opens - First day back from winter break (Tuesday)
- Jan 9th Popcorn Day ($1 for Popcorn)
- Jan 10th PAC Meeting @ 6:30 in the Library
- Jan 19th EA Appreciation Day!
- Jan 20th SSTA Professional Day - No School for Students
- Jan 23rd -27th Literacy Week!
ESQE Winter WanderWow what a turn out! We loved the positive buzz around the school as people checked out the beautifully decorated doors, counted candy canes, and enjoyed in class activities! With something new, came a few glitches here and there with our outside portion of the event, so we really appreciated your patience and positive attitudes as we took on a new approach to celebrating the holidays with everyone! The goal of the event was to reunite our community after a few years off of being able to be together. It was so nice to have everyone at our school last night!
Candy Cane Count Winners! Congratulations to....
- Owen
- Simon B
- Luigi V
- Connor M
And congratulations to Mme. Hryhirchuks room for best door decorations!

Affordability Fund Update
We have reached out to all families now that contacted us to access the funds. We will reach out again at the end of January to our school community again with this support.
Showcasing Student Learning!
Mr. Georgy-Embrees' Class Learns about the Solar System!
"We have been learning about various aspects of our solar system for the past month. Students chose a planet of interest to feature in a short presentation. They chose to "immerse" themselves in the planetary context with the help of styrofoam balls, paint and some basic cinematic technology"

Mme. Petre's Class exploring Numbers!
"We are working on number sense and place value of numbers to 1000, and addition and subtraction of numbers with 1 or 2 digits, without regrouping. The students explored and built numbers with base 10 blocks, in small groups, with a partner or individual. They showed their learning in a variety of ways: drawing, stories and game."

Mme Hryhirchuk & Mme Paquettes Classes Explored Graphic Art!
The grade 5/6 students in Mme. Hryhirchuk and Mme. Paquettes classes explored graphic art techniques using google draw. They created a piece inspired by the B.C.'s indigenous artist Roy Henry Vickers "whalers Islets"

PAC- Parent Advisory Council
Thank you all so much for all the support with our fundraisers this year! Whether it be popcorn day, Purdys Chocolate, Happy Hippo, Art Cards, Veggie boxes, or visiting our Sea to Sky Artisan Market it has been such a great start to our fundraising efforts for the 2022-23 school year.
Thank you to all those who were able to donate, as well as volunteer for the Elf Workshop! It was an exciting and successful event for all the students!
Snowy Adventures at EQSE!
The students at ESQE fully embraced our winter wonderland this December. So many smiling faces and laughs as students took to the hill on sleds and built snowmen!

Sea to Sky Safety Net

Just a friendly reminder that Sea to Sky Safety Net is available to you and your community network.
Sea to Sky Safety Net is a hub of self-care tools and local resources to help connect Sea to Sky residents to mental health and substance use support services.
Check out this website for more information!
A Message from Vancouver Coastal Health
From Your Public Health Nurse- important information about immunization clinics:
Local Vancouver Coastal Health Clinics are available to provide Influenza and Covid vaccines.
Please, review your child’s immunization record and book an appointment at the Health Unit for school age vaccines that are overdue. Grade 1-3, please, ensure kindergarten entry vaccines have been done.
For booking an appointment in Squamish please visit
For information about childhood vaccine schedule in British Columbia
Happy December Birthdays!