September 2023
Dear Families of ESQE,
What a wonderful start to the new school year. New this year we opened our school on the first day with a drumming circle led by Jaime Williams in a beautiful way. September has been full of excitement and learning already. Most recently we raised the Survivors' flag in a witness ceremony. We welcomed St'a7mas Leadership and Dance group to help us in this work. Today, we are continuing the learning as we recognize Orange Shirt Day and the National day of Truth and Reconciliation.
Thank you our families for getting in all the forms for the start up as quick as possible, this helps us get ready for the year and is very much appreciated. If you haven't already, please verify the contact information in MyEd is up to date as of this year.
A reminder that there is no school tomorrow as our teachers will be engaging in professional development and there is no school on Monday, Oct 2nd as we acknowledge Truth and Reconciliation Day. Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to sharing all the neat stuff we get up to in October.
Ms. Hain
- Timely evidence of learning shared with families (digitally and/or with paper copies)
- Depending on what year of the roll-out the teachers are doing will determine how much evidence is shared through student portfolios or on the actual written update
- Ongoing engagement in student learning and descriptive feedback from teachers on this learning
- Please see attached document for more information on the break down of the reporting looks like, plus helpful links. More info to come!
- For any absences or early pick-ups please email [email protected] as this is more efficient than calling in.
- Please send your child to school with appropriate clothing and shoes for the weather, the rain is here!!
- Please remember to send a water bottle with with your child
- Please fill out all forms through School Cash Online if you have not already done so
- Don't forget to to purchase your supplies through our online system or drop by the office with $45
- We still need your help to keep our students and staff save in our parking lot. Please find a proper spot to park and do not park or idle in the bus loop or round about.
- If you're child is sick, please keep them at home
- Sept 29th Professional Development Day, School closed to students
- Oct 2nd Truth and Reconciliation Day - School closed
- Oct 3rd EA Appreciation Day
- Oct 5th Teacher Appreciation day
- Oct 11th Grade 6 Immunization Clinic
- Oct 13th Hot lunch orders due
- Oct 16th Popcorn day - $1!
- Oct 18th & 19th Early Dismissal for Parent Teacher Conference
- Oct 20th BCTF Professional Development Day
- Oct 25th Art Cards due back to office
- The PAC - Parent Advisory Council is the coming together of school parents and caregivers to discuss and plan upcoming events, fundraisers, and projects.
- The PAC is made up of a executive team that is formally voted in. This includes a chair, vice chair, secretary, and treasurer.
- If you want to hear more about what is going on, have an idea, or just want to get involved, please join us!!
- Our PAC is hosting a Fruit and Veggie Fundraiser, with 30% of the proceeds coming back to the school!
- There are TWO BC Grown Bundle Options!
- Bundle #1 ($25) 5lbs Pacific Premium Potatoes (smalls), 5lbs Red Beets, 3lbs yellow onions, 3lbs Carrots
- Bundle #2 ($30) 5lbs Pacific Premium Potatoes (Smalls), 5lbs Red beets, 3lbs Carrots, 1 lbs Parsnips, 283g shallots
- The FINAL date to order is October 20th
- Click Here to find the Order Form
- Payment can be made by e-transfer to [email protected] Please include your childs full name and teacher in the notes of the e-transfer.