February 2024
Happy February ESQE Families!
It was an action packed month at ESQE! Our classes explored the ocean, celebrated Carnaval and we even had a visit from Bon Homme.
Teachers will be reaching out from now until April 30th to let you know when to expect your child's Term 2 Point of Progress/Report Card posted on MyEd. Please let the classroom teacher know if you have any questions.
Have a great weekend!
Sarah Hain
ESQE Principal

Upcoming Dates
- March 7th Neufeld Farm Pick up starting at 1:00pm (ordering information below)
- March 8th Hot Lunch Day - Subway and Tacofino
- March 11th Hold and Secure Drill
- March 12th PAC Meeting 6:30pm SQE Library (babysitting available)
- March 15th Hot Lunch Day - Panago & Freshi
- March 15th Spirit Day - Twin Day!
- March 15th Last day of school before spring break
- March 18th - March 29th Spring Break School Closed
- April 1st Easter Monday, School Closed
- April 2nd School Reopens after Spring Break
- For any absences or early pick-ups: please email [email protected] as this is more efficient than calling in.
- Please send your child to school with appropriate clothing and shoes for the weather, the rain is here!!
- Please remember to send a water bottle with your child
- We still need your help to keep our students and staff save in our parking lot. Please find a proper spot to park and do not park or idle in the bus loop or round about.
Lets help keep each other healthy!
Although the sun has been shining, the cough, cold and flu bug are persisting! To keep our school community safe and healthy, we are reminding families of the importance of keeping students home if they are sick.

Chain of Communication
- If you are having concerns about your childs academics, social dynamics, or emotional well-being, please connect directly with your students classroom teacher.
- Our classroom teachers work the closest with our students and therefore are the main contact to discuss concerns and to problem solve with.
- If additional support or consult is required, teachers will connect with our admin team.
Want to help send our grade 6's to camp? Here are two ways that you can!

Neufeld Orders Due Monday February 26th

Celebrating ESQE
In Chinese culture, each year is named after an animal from the Chinese Zodiac. 2024 is the year of the dragon. The dragon is strong and powerful. According to Chinese folklore, 12 animals raced to the Emperor. The dragon saw that the rabbit was stuck and helped him across the river. Then he let the rabbit go first to the finish line. This is the year to office kindness to one another.

Carnaval de Quebec! Every February our school comes together to celebrate Carnaval de Quebec. This Carnaval is the oldest winter festival in Canada, dating back to 1894! This festival brings people together to celebrate the Quebecois culture. Our students had an opportunity to learn French songs and dances, and a yummy maple syrup treat, and even had a visit from Bon Homme!

Mme. Hryhirchuks' grade 4/5 class had an awesome time at the "Discover Luge" program at Whistler Olympic Park. Wow, they look speedy going down that track!

Ms. Keller's grade 2/3 class explored a new form of art, print making! Designing and stamping beautiful prints.

This Month, our whole school dove deep into ocean exploration! Ms. Keller and Ms. Stewarts class ventured off to the Vancouver Aquarium, we had a visit from Ocean Wise, and Mrs. Millers class is doing some additional in-class ocean exploration!

Look at all the amazing celebrities that stopped by for our hot lunch day! We lots of pop stars, Mr. Clean, Harry Potter, and so many other celebrities grace us with their presence!

PAC Update
Our PAC has been busy this month! Doubling up on their hot lunch days, supporting community dances, hosting fundraisers such as Purdys Chocolate and Fresh to you!
Interested in hear more about what is going on, join us at 6:30pm on Tuesday March 12th for our month PAC Meeting. We meet in the library, snacks and babysitting provided!

Only a few more days to get your Purdy's order in! They are due February 28th! We are campaign number 62500. Website: http://fundraising.purdys.com./

Fresh To You Fundraiser!
- BC Grown produced, delivered the same day they are picked!
- 40% of all proceeds come right back to the school and towards our fundraising efforts to build an inclusive playground!
- Orders are due to teachers by Friday March 15th
- After the 15th, orders can be made directly through e-transfer up until March 22nd
- Payments are made to [email protected] with the inclusion of your Childs full name & teacher last name in the notes!
District News!
Feeding Futures is a Ministry initiative designed to support school food programs.
Check out this website to read more about what SD 48 is doing! Click Here
Check out this website to read more about what SD 48 is doing! Click Here

Host Families Needed! Check out www.high-school-canada.com to learn more!

Happy Birthday February Birthdays!
This Month Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Millers classes had a chance to celebrate their birthdays with a pizza party!