Parents » Communication/Reporting Absence

Communication/Reporting Absence


Parents are asked to notify the school by phone or email if their child is going to be absent or sick. Messages can be left night or day. If your child is absent when teachers check attendance at 8:55 AM and 1:00 PM and the school has not been informed of the child’s absence, then the school will make a phone call home. 
Phone: 604-892-9307  Email:[email protected]

If your child arrives to school late then they must report to the office before going to their classroom. This lets the office know not to phone home on a marked absence (in Attendance Folder) when the student has arrived late.

If you need to pick your child up early or for an appointment, please communicate this with the classroom teacher to ensure they are ready at the set time. 

Telephone Use
All classrooms have telephones from which emergency calls may be made, teachers may be contacted, and to which voice mail messages may be sent. We ask that phone calls are kept as short as possible during busy times.

Students should be using the telephones for emergencies only. Social arrangements for after school time should be made the night before. Teachers also ask that parents not call through to the classroom during class time. You may call the office and be transferred to leave a message for your child’s teacher. All teachers check their messages throughout the day.

REPORT CARDS – Written Reports Communicating Student Learning

Formal “Reporting to Parents” occurs three times each school year: in November, March, and June. These reporting periods are seen as an opportunity to exchange home and school information in an attempt to better support student learning.

Conferences are held at these reporting periods to discuss your child’s academic, social and personal progress, and general attitude towards school. Teachers and/or parents may request conferences at these times. Additional informal reporting to parents occurs as needed throughout the school year. Conference appointments (15 minute meetings) are made by calling the school secretary. It is appreciated by all if the tight schedule is adhered to.
These conferences are between parents/guardians and teachers. There may be other forms of conferencing through the school year that include students, such as Student-Led Conferences. Your child’s teacher will alert you to these opportunities.